Monthly Archives: April 2013

A New Frontier Beckons!

Hello my fellow gamers!
I come bearing news of my reviews and will be discussing the current situation. I love writing these reviews… I truly do. There has been so many good games released in the past month, too many in-fact. But please do not think I have given up… For it was not me. My computer has been in a rather odd state recently and it was unfortunate to see it’s hit a wall and is in need of major repairs. Whilst this is under-way, creating reviews will be more difficult seeing as how the PC is my main platform for gaming. But do not despair! (which I doubt many of you are doing) because with this (unfortunate) news comes even bigger news!
Movies have been a part of my life for so many years, and have always counter-balanced my constant desire to play games. So I have taken the liberty of creating a new website, built solely for Movie and Television based reviews and news. I understand that this may be difficult for me, considering I am not in the financial situation to enter every film at the cinema, but I can whole-heartedly guarantee that the biggest movie releases will be covered.
That’s the news… I hope you enjoyed it. The Freelance Critic will be opening soon, and is welcoming all my reviews and news from ”almost” every media outlet.
Thank You.

If you need to contact me, I will be at the Winchester having a pint… and waiting for this all to blow over.

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