Site Announcement – The Hiatus Has Ended!

I’m going to keep this short, because I know all of you have better things to do than hear my excuses…

Over the past month I have been spending a large amount of time attempting to manage the site on top of my regular tasks and responsibilities. It became horribly clear the first week in that I had no time to sit back and review any video game, it just was not possible… UNTIL NOW!

All of my prior engagements have been accomplished and I finally have my time back (not all of it, but definitely enough to keep the site  occupied with reviews).
I apologize profusely for not informing you all of this at a sooner date. However, The small hiatus has given me some time to reflect on the site as a whole and has helped me see where I want the site to go next. In layman’s terms… I’m actively working on a  SITE OVERHAUL! (That’s In bold so that you know it’s important).

Now this drastic improvement isn’t going to happen immediately, In fact it could end up taking a few more months. But I just want you all to know that it’s in the pipeline, along with a whole host of new features! I hope you all understand that this isn’t set in stone yet, but it shall happen… one day, and this time, i’ll announce it.

Thank you all for sticking with me through the past month! I’ll get straight back to writing reviews and rants POST-HASTE!

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