Octodad: Dadliest Catch Review

OctoPus Endeavours

I have to say, before I started playing Octodad, I didn’t quite know what I was getting myself into. After trying the first installment for free, I’d originally assumed that Octodad: Dadliest Catch would be rather similar…
I couldn’t have been further from the truth.

Octodad: Dadliest Catch puts you in the shoes of a ‘dad’… an Octopus, disguised as a man. You may be thinking, ‘how strange’, what kind of people could imagine such a daft concept. Well, you can thank the awesome brains at Young Horses for that. The main consistency of the gameplay revolves around you attempting to control this octopus’ many limbs, through a variety of ‘everyday’ situations. Wake Up, Get Coffee, Cook Burgers, Mow The Lawn… All menial tasks that in everyday lives seem boring and dull. However, when one brings an ‘intriguing’ control scheme into the mix, these tasks get a whole lot more satisfying to acomplish.

Octodad: Dadliest Catch is a phenomenally charming game. Almost every aspect of it’s design has been expertly crafted to be cute and colourful. This proves as a nice distraction from various games boasting high graphical fidelity, where Octodad is by no means a ‘next-gen’ looking title, it’s aesthetic design sure stands out amongst the rest. Octodad is also fully voiced, every character has something witty or obscene to say usually revolving around fish. All the main voice talent is superb and definitely helps to lend more character than would seem necessary, to the family.

Octodad is a tremendously short-lived experience, to the extent that I just didn’t want to stop playing. The story takes you to a variety of different locations, which all seem to imprint into your memory with their designs. Although one mission will have you visiting the same location as you did earlier, the path you take is entirely different.
I don’t wish to spoil the excellent story, so I shall not go into any further detail.

'That Milk Company'

‘That Milk Company’

Octodad: Dadliest Catch is most assuredly an odd concept, but it’s; gameplay, story, design and characters, all lend into a tremendous experience which you have to experience to believe. This is a guaranteed purchase if you’re looking for a relaxing, short and thoroughly enjoyable title.

(Editors Choice)

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